
Here’s what our patients have to say about
their Chiropractic care…  
Jill W. says... "Before my infant daughter began Chiropractic care, she was extremely colicky; she was uncomfortable, irritable, and always needed to be held.
 Since being under regular chiropractic care, my daughter improved following the first visit; it was like a switch! Now after 2 months of care, she is happy most of the day. Her unexplained fussiness has decreased to normal ‘baby behaviour.’
 The unique thing I have learned about my health is that one small problem can create many complications! The advice that I would give to someone new or someone considering chiropractic care is that they don’t ‘crack’ babies. I waited a long time seeking help because I felt uneasy about the ‘cracking.’ I definitely see my family maintaining our Chiropractic care in the future as it has really helped improve our quality of life!"   
Stephanie B. says...  "Before I began chiropractic care, I was having a lot of back, hip, and joint pain, as well as sinus problems.
Since being under regular chiropractic care, my pain is gone! Playing with my daughter is much more enjoyable now that I am pain-free. Also, my sinuses have improved; my headaches have subsided and my breathing is much better.
The unique thing I have learned about my health is that the spine impacts all areas of the body; I now know that subluxation causes unwanted health conditions.
The advice that I would give to someone new or someone considering chiropractic care is that they should give it a try…if you make the commitment, your health will improve. I most certainly will maintain my Chiropractic care in the future."          
Tiffany H. says... "Before I began chiropractic care, I was suffering from back and neck pain as well as sinus problems. Since being under regular chiropractic care, my pain has disappeared!
The most important thing though, is that I am so much more AWARE of my posture and my nervous system. The unique thing I have learned about my health is how dynamic it is, and how it can change with posture.
 The advice that I would give to someone new or someone considering chiropractic care is stick with it! My family was dead against chiropractic and now they are on board and know it helps me. I feel I am “walking proof” that chiropractic works!"
Derek S. says... "Before I began chiropractic care, I was experiencing pain in my lower back, neck, shoulders, knees and hips. I also had numbness in my fingers and toes. All that pain is either much less, or gone completely!
 Since being under regular chiropractic care, I can now pursue a healthier lifestyle without pain, and no longer need to drink or take anything for the daily heartburn I USED to have. I am now far more conscious of my overall health in every way. I realize that I cannot live without my adjustments on a regular basis.
 The advice that I would give to someone new or someone considering chiropractic care is that it works! Why would you NOT do something that will help so much??"
Fred M. says... "Before I began chiropractic care, I was suffering from sleep deprivation and low back pain. I was taking anywhere from 12 to 16 Tylenol per day for pain relief.
 Since being under regular chiropractic care, I have been sleeping better, and my low back pain is no longer problematic. I no longer need to take any Tylenol for pain!
 The unique thing I have learned about my health is the connection between your spine and the rest of your body; knowing this makes you more inclined to make healthy choices.
 The advice that I would give to someone new or someone considering chiropractic care is to get all the information possible on how get well, and stay well. I definitely see myself maintaining my Chiropractic care in the future."